Set the right example

This was the message preached on Sunday by Rev prophet Dr S. V. O Okpere (JP) at the deliverance holy mission Int’l Inc headquarters, Benin City. Addressing the Congregation at the seventh Covenant Sunday Prayers, tasked Nigerians especially religious leaders to set the right examples as to produce results of the mission of GOD’s divine purpose for creating the Man and the Woman in His image and Likeness on Earth, which is to multiply same purpose and replenish the Earth with God kind of attitude and character. Which means, we are in whatever we preached.

Prophet Sunday Okpere who supported his message with the Scripture he took in Psalm 119:25–40, Matthew 28:18–20, 2nd Corinthians 11:9–13, noted, that, a preacher who does not Practice what he Preach, the listeners are wasting their time, and said, elections has come and gone, what is left is the management of our Country with whoever that will be emerge as our Nation’s President in the next four years. He stressed further, that, campaign and Political differences should be put atside, but, to be proactive on how to enjoy good governance from those we have voted to do the job for us.


Click here to watch the sermon of today’s service

Highlights of the service was the Prophetic declarations for the Congregation to live by the Word of God and set good examples for their homes in particular with the Communities in general, with the seventh Sunday covenant prayers led by the Spiritual Leader. Meanwhile the 30days of Concealment camp, Prayer and fasting with the Theme TAKE YOUR BATTLES TO THE LORD IN PRAYERS (Psalm 42:3–5, & Matthew 26:41) starts this Wednesday 1st of March 2023 by 6am.

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